Enough Project
Dear Supporter,
Corruption, theft, and tax evasion cost developing countries more than a trillion dollars every year. Just imagine what the world could look like if those funds were put to good use, feeding people in need, strengthening critical healthcare infrastructure, and fighting the devastating effects of climate change.
Today, on December 9, we celebrate International Anti-Corruption Day, a day on which everyone-the public, media, government officials, and the private sector-comes together to tackle this global problem.
At The Sentry, we focus on bringing an end to the corruption that fuels violence and atrocities. To do this, our investigators follow the trail of dirty money to unearth the evidence needed to hold the perpetrators of these crimes to account.
Vladimir Putin's bloody war in Ukraine has helped focus the world's attention on the power of financial pressure tools in the fight against corruption and conflict. And thanks to the evidence surfaced by The Sentry's investigations-combined with the technical expertise of our policy specialists-governments and financial institutions are now better positioned than ever to deploy these tools, including in the countries where The Sentry works.
Fighting the corruption that fuels violence and repression has never been more important. We hope that you will support this critical work by giving a gift today. [ [link removed] ] [ [link removed] ]
Justyna Gudzowska
Director of Illicit Finance Policy
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