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Tell Congress to Vote NO on War Powers Resolution
January 9, 2020
President Trump recently took action to take out Qasem Soleimani, terrorist and leader of the Quds Force. Under Soleimani’s regime, over 600 Americans have been targeted and killed. Yesterday, the President announced that he was successful in his mission and Iran appears to be standing down.
In response to the President’s actions, Democrats have caused chaos by spreading fears of war and condemning his actions every step of the way. Democrats in the House introduced a War Powers Resolution (H. Con. Res. 83). Contrary to the name, this resolution does not limit the President’s abilities on war situations which are already limited by the Constitution. It uses broad language to limit the President’s abilities to take swift action unless Congress declares war or if an attack on the United States is imminent. With a divided and contentious Congress, they are in no position to act quickly if needed. 
The actions taken by President Trump were justified regardless of how Democrats want to spin it. Soleimani carried out an attack in December on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and was planning several more. Americans were constantly at risk under his regime. We cannot allow House Democrats to put our nation and our military in danger just because they do not like the Commander in Chief. 
Please contact your Representative to ask them to vote NO on H. Con. Res 83!
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
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Join us for lunch with Sarah Huckabee Sanders!
VIP Reception and Luncheon Keynote Address
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Hilton St. Louis Frontenac, St. Louis, MO
Sarah Huckabee Sanders served as White House Press Secretary for President Donald J. Trump from 2017 to 2019. 
Keynote Speakers
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Feb. 1 - Saturday LUNCH
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
David Limbaugh
Jan. 31 - Friday DINNER
David Limbaugh
Andrew Puzder
Jan. 31 - Friday LUNCH
Andrew Puzder

Confirmed speakers include: Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Saturday lunch), David Limbaugh (Friday dinner), Mary Eberstadt (Primal Screams-Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll), Andy Puzder (Friday lunch - Capitalist Comeback); Sebastian Gorka; Michael Medved; Monica Cline; Walt Heyer (My 'Trans'formation); Jarrett Stepman (War on History); Karen England (Comprehensive Sex Ed's Goal); and many more!

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