Dear Friends,
This Saturday it will be 18 years since the first detainee was sent to Guantanamo. Sadly, this stain on American democracy is still open, and 40 detainees still remain there. President Trump has essentially shut down any effort to honestly review their continued detention or to negotiate their release, and it is unlikely that he will change his mind this year. This Saturday is a day of sorrow.
In our sorrow for those at Guantanamo and for our country, which continues to imprison people without charge or trial closing on two decades after they were captured, this weekend I invite you to take a moment and say a prayer, either in worship service or privately, for Guantanamo to be closed.
Additionally, please join me in signing this petition to close Guantanamo: [link removed]
While a small step, each name demonstrates to our leaders that they will have our support if they move to end indefinite detention and close Guantanamo.
Finally, if you feel so moved, please sign up to host a screening of The Report: [link removed]
The film documents the torture the CIA inflicted upon prisoners - some of whom ended up in Guantanamo and remain there to this day. The Report is the best depiction of the torture program available and it is essential that as many Americans as possible see it so that we understand exactly why this program can never be allowed to operate again.
Thank you for work.
Rev. Ron Stief
Executive Director
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