WIIS December Newsletter

Dr. Jo L. Husbands Memorial Fund

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Dr. Jo L. Husbands. Dr. Husbands was a long-time supporter of Women In International Security (WIIS) and served as a member of the WIIS advisory board.

Dr. Husbands supported the development of WIIS’ Summer Symposia series, an initiative designed to bring together young leaders from around the world to discuss the complex dynamic between globalization and security.

In honor of Dr. Husbands, WIIS has established the Dr. Jo L. Husbands Memorial Fund. All donations to the Dr. Jo L. Husbands Memorial Fund will support the WIIS’ Next Generation Scholars (NGS) Program. Like the Summer Symposia, this program aims to build and sustain a community of young national and international security experts who are diverse and knowledgeable about the gender dynamics of national and international security challenges.

Upcoming Events

Gender, Justice, and Accountability: Atrocity Crimes and the Protection of Witnesses and Survivors

Join WIIS and the Embassy of Liechtenstein on December 12 at 10:00 AM (EST) for a virtual discussion on gender and international criminal justice. Experts from the United Nations, United States Government, and civil society will discuss how a gender perspective can be integrated into existing efforts to promote justice and accountability, including witness protection measures across the conflict cycle, and the impact that a lack of special measures could have on women’s access to justice.

This event will feature opening remarks from H.E. Ambassador Georg Sparber (Ambassador of Liechtenstein to the U. S.) and will be followed by a roundtable discussion with Catherine Marchi-Uhel (Head of the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism- Syria, United Nations), Jennifer Glaudemans (Senior Advisor at the Office of Global Criminal Justice, U.S. Department of State), Wai Wai Nu (Rohingya Burmese Activist and Founder and Director, Women’s Peace Network), and Naomi Kikoler (Director, Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide). The event will be moderated by Ariela Blätter (President and CEO, Women In International Security)

Women for Peace: The Afghan Challenge- Insights from the Task Force of Afghan Women

Join WIIS Italy and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on December 13th for a discussion on the essential role Afghan women, women mediators, and peacebuilder networks play in responding to the situation in Afghanistan. Leading women negotiators, peacebuilders, and policymakers from Afghanistan will address critical questions and provide recommendations for a more cooperative, effective, and inclusive response to the crisis in Afghanistan.

#SpeedExpertise With Marie Robin: What Place does Revenge Discourse have when Discussing Jihadism? 

Join WIIS France on  December 20th for the latest event in their #SpeedExpertise series, which aims to highlight the expertise of doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, and young practitioners. They will be joined by Dr. Marie Robin (Post-Doctoral Fellow, Thucydides Center of the University Paris Panthéon-Assa), a specialist in jihadism. She will talk a the strategic uses of the revenge discourse and the role of propagandists in conflict situations.

WIIK UK Career Series Launch Event: Navigating the Job Market

Join WIIS UK on January 18th for their first Career Series event. Olivia Kearney (Member, WIIS UK Leadership Team)  will demonstrate her best practices for networking and share some practical advice for standing out and defining your professional narrative. The event will address some of the hurdles we all face and give tips on overcoming them.

WIIS Global Updates

Aghan Women: Running out of Options

In our WIIS Student Blog Spotlight, author Claire Pamerleau (University of Pittsburgh, WIIS Chapter) explores the current status of Afghan women living under the Taliban’s rule as they face mounting social and economic restrictions.

Women & Leadership: Breaking and Making Worlds

In WIIS Brussels’ latest podcast, host Ilana Bet-El (Advisory Board Member, WIIS Brussels) is joined by Magaret MacMillan (Emeritus Professor of History, University of Toronto & Emeritus Professor of International History, Oxford University). Together, they outline some of the historical events leading to the establishment of the League of Nations and discuss what lessons we can learn from it today.

WIIS Portugal in Washington, D.C.

Earlier this week, Ana Gomes (President, WIIS Portugal) visited the WIIS headquarters in Washington, D.C., where she met with Ariela Blätter (President and CEO of WIIS) and the WIIS Team.


To see more job and academic opportunities, view the Jobs Board.

The jobs board accessible to WIIS members only. You must be logged into your WIIS account in order to view them.

Are you interested in promoting a job or academic opportunity to the WIIS network? If so, then send any relevant information about the opportunity to [email protected]

Catherine M. Kelleher Fellowship for International Security Studies

The Catherine M. Kelleher Fellowship for International Security Studies supports an exceptional graduate student pursuing their master’s or doctoral degree at the University of Maryland School of Public Policy. Professor Kelleher founded WIIS in 1987, and is also a founding faculty member of the University of Maryland School of Public Policy, where she also founded the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM). Throughout her policy and academic careers, Professor Kelleher has been a champion for women in the field of international security policy. This fellowship is intended to ensure that future generations benefit from the kind of support that she has given to countless people in the field today.

Call for Papers: Legacies of Violence and War

The Journal of Security Studies has issued a call for papers and special issue proposals on the theme of Legacies of Violence and War. They welcome both completed individual papers as well as proposals for special issues/forums exploring a wide range of substantive research questions on the theme of this special call. Special issue proposals are due December 15, 2022. Individual papers (outside any proposed special issue) are due February 15, 2023

Become a WIIS Member

Do you want access to the WIIS jobs board, and exclusive events and discounts?

Critical global challenges require effective leadership, and this must include women’s voices. WIIS takes on this challenge every day by facilitating our members’ access to a growing global community of mentors and experts, professional development resources and support, as well as insightful analyses on gender and women’s representation.

Women In International Security is recognized in the United States as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Our federal tax ID number is 46-3135838.

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