Christian Dominionism and Fascist Momentum
Refuse Fascism Episode 136 uploaded December 4: Sam Goldman speaks with Dr. Sarah Riccardi-Swartz, assistant professor of religion
and anthropology at Northeastern University about Christian Dominionism,
rising antisemitism and the fascist movement’s continued momentum.

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Dr. Sarah Riccardi-Swartz:
Christian nationalism is insidious, because it’s embedded into the
social fabric of our society. They’re really focused on infiltrating
systems of government. These are communities that will work their way
into secular institutions and transform them from the inside out. Local
elections are a whole other thing. And that’s where you have that
grassroots movement. That’s where you get those weird hybrid formations
of fascism emerging. If we’re not taking seriously the threat of the
sort of hybrid forms of fascism that are rising in the United States,
then before we know it, we may see another January 6th.
Sam Goldman:
to this onslaught of antisemitism, Trump invited virulently antisemic,
Christian fascist, MAGA moron, Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, to
dinner at Mar-a-Lago, and Kanye brought his new bestie, Nick Fuentes.
Nick Fuentes, as listeners of the show know, is not as the Washington
Post would like to call him: a far-right activist. He is a Nazi; an open,
overt white supremacist, misogynist of the highest order, antisemitic
to his core, Holocaust denying, Nazi. He is somebody who marched through
Charlottesville with a torch, proudly. He is someone who chanted "Jews
will not replace us!" He is someone who was at the US Capitol on January
6 for the fascist coup.
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