When Human Life Begins
Alexandra DeSanctis National Review
No one congratulates expectant parents on their “product of conception.”
No one throws a “fetus” shower.
No one thrills to hear the “embryonic pulsing” of their “clump of cells.”
No one is surprised when a pregnant mother gives birth to a human child.
We all know it: Inside every pregnant mother is a human being, her child. That child starts his life invisible to the naked eye, to be sure. From his very first moment in existence, however, his unique genetic code and the tiny cells of his microscopic body have everything they need to continue growing through each stage of human development.
We all expect it: The blastocyst grows into the embryo, into the fetus, the newborn, the toddler, the child, the adolescent, the adult, the man. He is the same human being all along, from the moment of conception. And he will develop through the course of a full human life — unless his life is cut short.
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Brad Littlejohn, writing for WORLD Opinions, addresses the seeming contradiction between a staunch national identity and racial diversity and affirms that nationalism, especially Christian nationalism, must reject racism.
Legal analysis surrounding the oral arguments in 303 Creative seems to skewer conservative justices in disregard of the principles of legal argumentation writes Ed Whelan in his Bench Memos for National Review.
The latest episode of Mary FioRito's EDIFY Podcast is an EPPC double-header as Mary speaks with Erika Bachiochi about her journey to the pro-life movement led by the life-changing witness of faithful men and women.