We know now that the confidential data leak by the California Department of Justice numbers in the millions.  The question is, will they ever be held accountable?  As GOC reported last week, in the wa

We know now that the confidential data leak by the California Department of Justice numbers in the millions.  The question is, will they ever be held accountable?  

As GOC reported last week, in the wake of this unethical breach, a third-party investigation by Morrison Foerster was launched, the results were published on November 30, and in short, it’s an embarrassment of riches. Read on to see what you need to do.

  • The investigation confirmed that confidential personal data in the underlying dataset associated with Concealed Carry Weapons permits (CCW), Firearm Safety Certificates (FSC), Dealer Record of Sale (DROS), and Assault Weapons Registry (AWR)-related data was publicly accessible on the Firearms Dashboard from June 27-28. UNACCEPTABLE AND BORDERLINE ILLEGAL
  • In total, personal data for approximately 192,000 individuals was exposed. 
  • The confidential data was downloaded approximately 2,734 times, in full or in part, across 507 unique IP addresses.  The CCW-related data included data for the years 2012 to 2021 and included the following fields: name, date of birth, street address associated with the permit, gender, race, county, CCW License Number, status of CCW applications, and California’s Criminal Identification and Information/State Identification number. DOJ HANDED CRIMINALS A PERFECT ROADMAP, BY IDENTIFYING POTENTIAL TARGETS

In testimony before the California Legislature, GOC has witnessed the Department brush away privacy concerns.  The Department must be held to account. IF THERE IS EVEN A SINGLE INSTANCE WHERE THE RELEASE OF THIS INFORMATION LEADS TO A CRIME, AG BONTA AND THE DOJ MUST SHOULDER RESPONSIBILITY.

If you want to protect your right to pursue legal action in the future, it is imperative that you fill out an THE ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIM FORM .  THIS MUST BE FILED BY DECEMBER 27, 2022.  It is self-explanatory, is fillable online and includes details where to send it. An Administrative Claim Form puts the state on notice that a claim may be filed.

DOES THIS MEAN I WILL BE OBLIGATED TO PURSUE LEGAL ACTION?  NO, it simply preserves your right should you want to pursue it in the future.

WHAT GOC RECOMMENDS:  As infuriating as this is, this is the most appropriate legal recourse at this time.  We strongly believe every single person whose confidential data was leaked to the internet and beyond should protect their future interests and fill out the form.  There is a cost of $25 and there is no binding obligation, but it is important that the State of California hears from all of us. This is a small cost to pay to preserve your rights.

For more detailed information and instructions, you can call Gun Owners of California at (916) 984-1400 or click HERE.

If you are, however, interested in pursuing an immediate lawsuit against the Department of Justice for this extraordinary violation of privacy, the legal team at Michel and Associates have provided a draft legal complaint HERE.

Remember, the deadline to preserve your right to sue the Department of Justice is December 27, 2022.



Gun Owners of California
Gun Owners of California, Inc.
1190 Suncast Ln, Suite 2
El Dorado Hills, California 95762
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