
The 2022 elections are finally over. We cannot emphasize enough the role our grassroots supporters played in helping Defend the Senate.

Your input helped drive our strategic decisions and take early action in the most crucial states like Nevada and Pennsylvania. We made your priorities — including protecting abortion access and creating more jobs — the focus of our campaigns.

Here’s the reality: Election experts are already forecasting 2024 to be an even tougher year for Democrats, including defending Trump-won states such as Ohio and Montana. We need to protect all of these Democratic Senate seats to keep our majority.

If we want to keep seeing Democratic wins across the board, we need to get feedback from our grassroots supporters. While the election is still fresh in your mind, will you take a minute to complete our official Post-Election Strategy Survey?


Thank you for your support — today and always. We’re looking forward to reading your responses.

— Defend the Senate