Yesterday the Supreme Court heard arguments in Moore v. Harper, a dangerous power grab by Republicans that could upend our democracy.


The stakes in this case could not be higher: If the Court sides with Republicans, state legislatures could have virtually unchecked power to influence federal elections — and even to overturn the 2024 election.


This is the latest escalation in a decades-long assault on our democracy by the Roberts Court. From Citizens United to Shelby County to Brnovich v. DNC, the Supreme Court has led the attack on our democracy by gutting voting rights and protecting voter suppression schemes that maximize the Republican party’s chances at the ballot box.


The stolen Supreme Court is intent on entrenching Republican power, regardless of the will of voters. Unless we expand the Court and take the power out of the right-wing majority’s hands, these attacks on our democracy will only continue to get worse.


We can’t give up this fight because the right-wing justices aren’t going to slow down their assault on our rights. If you can, will you make a contribution to power our movement to ensure that the Court works for the American people — and not right-wing politicians? 


Thank you for your continued support in this fight, 


Sarah Lipton-Lubet

Executive Director, Take Back the Court Action Fund