
A new year has arrived, and with it new goals. But I want to first thank everyone who helped me finish the last quarter strong before our deadline on New Year's Eve. Your support all throughout the year will help us retake the majority and defend conservative principles in Congress.

Now that 2020 has arrived, it's time to set a new goal for this critical election year. We already know that Nancy Pelosi and her squad will stop at nothing to take down President Trump and hold on to their majority in the House. But we can't let that happen.

We must reelect President Trump and secure a Republican majority to push back on the extreme liberal agenda. Will you stand with me in 2020? Your donation today will help us start the year strong.

Give $20.20 right now or make a recurring donation of $20.20 throughout the year to stand up to Pelosi and the Democrats in this election.
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Donate $20.20 Every Month
President Trump and I need your support this year more than ever. Can we count on you?


Rep. Ron Estes
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