Three years ago, Tasha moved her 78-year old mother to her house in Houston so she could become her full-time caregiver.
After a while, Tasha felt alone and desperate. The costs of caring for her mother started to spiral and she began to see the complete lack of resources available for caregivers like her. She felt like she was stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean caring for her mother. She would pray for help and financial support, but it never came.
It wasn’t until Tasha found Caring Across that things started turning around. She became a Care Fellow with us and was able to use what she learned to advocate for the things she needed. The paid time off we provided her enabled her to get back into her body and feel in control again.
Leave a last impact for all the amazing caregivers out there. Donate to Caring Across now and help us fund more Care Fellows like Tasha.
Nicole knew that no one should have it as hard as she did, and together we made a real difference this year.

The most important part of Tasha’s story is that it's very common.
There are 40 million unpaid family caregivers in the U.S. scrambling to care for their families while balancing the hecticness of life. Real and accessible support quite simply doesn’t exist for them – and caregivers are being forced to make decisions they normally wouldn’t like reducing their hours at work, changing roles completely, or leaving work completely.
Care should not be a struggle and we’re hopeful we can change the system for the better but we need your help. We can’t work to address the issues caregivers are facing today without generous support from supporters like you.
By contributing now, your support will help caregivers like Tasha and her mother live more comfortably.
With Care,
Rebekah A. Alexander-Fishburne
Senior Individual Giving Manager
Caring Across Generations