I am pleased to report that on Wednesday, December 7, the American Music Fairness Act (AMFA), which would require AM/FM stations to pay performance royalties to featured artists, musicians, vocalists, and copyright holders for radio airplay, cleared a key hurdle in Congress.
The House Judiciary Committee voted to favorably advance the bill, a significant step toward becoming law. AMFA will be scheduled for passage on the House floor immediately after a procedural Rules Committee markup. It will still need approval by the full House of Representatives and the Senate, and then be signed into law by President Biden.
We commend Judiciary Chairman Nadler for swiftly and efficiently passing the American Music Fairness Act out of the Judiciary Committee without amendments, and we also celebrate the determined and effective lobbying efforts of the Federation, our Legislative Director Alfonso Pollard, and the important work of our locals and members throughout this important process.
I will keep you informed of our progress as the Federation continues to push AMFA across the congressional goal line. If adopted, AMFA would result in the long-sought payment of hundreds of millions of royalty dollars to record labels, musicians, and vocalists. from US broadcasters and foreign collective management organizations for the terrestrial broadcast use of their recordings.
Best wishes in every way for a happy holiday season and a productive new year.
In Unity,
Ray Hair
AFM International President