From Entertainment Community Fund <[email protected]>
Subject Open Enrollment is here!
Date December 8, 2022 7:15 PM
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** Have Questions or Need Help Enrolling in Health Insurance? Every Artist Insured can help.

It’s time to re-enroll in your health insurance plan, and Entertainment Health Insurance Solutions is here to help!

If you signed up for insurance on the Marketplace last year, your coverage may be coming up for renewal. Open Enrollment runs through January 15 in most states, and through January 31 in California. During that time, you can make changes in your level of coverage, change your insurance company or make changes to your estimated income. Note: if you want coverage to start on January 1, you must enroll by December 15.

To help you get affordable or free coverage, we will:
* Walk you through the new plans, new prices and new options
* Give you tips for easier enrollment
* Help you understand how to pick a plan
* Help you find health care if you’re uninsured

Our workshop, Every Artist Insured California is held on the first and third Tuesdays of every month at 12 pm PT. To attend, register here ([link removed]) .

Can’t make it to the workshop? Entertainment Health Insurance Solutions offers counseling and enrollment assistance. Our services are unbiased, free and confidential. To request an appointment with a health benefits specialist, complete this form ([link removed]) .

After this Open Enrollment period, you will not be able to change your coverage until the next annual Open Enrollment period at the end of 2023, unless you have a qualifying event.

Contact us now to review your coverage options. You may find something that's better for you!
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NY: 212.221.7300 | LA: 323.933.9244 | Chicago: 312.372.0989
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