Help Save Tigers

Dear John,
Lunar New Year 2022 ushered in the Year of the Tiger. This is seen by many as a hopeful sign.
After all, the tiger is inspirational in Chinese culture as a vanquisher of evil, and most of the world sees tigers as strong, brave, and resilient. What better symbol for these challenging times? 
The largest of all big cats, these iconic predators play a critical role in maintaining balance in their ecosystems. 
Tigers are indeed iconic, but they are also in trouble.
A few startling statistics:

  • Fewer than 3,900 tigers are estimated to remain in the wild
  • Tigers inhabit less than 6 percent of their historic range
  • Approximately 150 wild tigers are killed annually to satisfy demand for illicit products
  • Of the nine tiger subspecies, three have already gone extinct
  • Tigers remain in only 13 countries
 What’s driving them to extinction?  
  • Demand for tiger products, which are often used in traditional medicine or kept as amulets and charms
  • Habitat loss
  • Human-wildlife conflict
  • Climate change
Help WildAid protect these iconic big cats and wildlife around the globe.
For 22 years, WildAid has worked to help protect tigers amid the growing threats of the modern world. Through various behavior change campaigns and innovative programs, we’ve been able to drive cost-effective yet high-impact results.
For example:
  • Through the establishment of the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park, China has increased the number of tigers in its territory from 27 in 2017 to 50 today—and it continues to grow. Billboards sharing this achievement and the important role rangers play in tiger conservation received three billion views across 204 cities and inspired more than 90% of the surveyed audience to take action to protect tigers.
  • In partnership with prominent Thai opinion and spiritual leaders, WildAid launched a campaign to help deter the use of amulets made from tiger parts by raising awareness about how the demand for these products fuels poaching and illegal trade.
  • WildAid is part of the International Tiger Coalition, which is comprised of 42 environmental, zoological, and animal protection groups. Together, the coalition has worked on the call for a permanent ban on the trade in tiger parts and products for over a decade. 

A Healthy World for All
As a species that’s integral to the wellbeing of the ecosystem, tigers—along with other keystone species like elephants, sharks, rhinos, and more—are the foundation for a healthy world for all. Every species is interconnected. Every species deserves to be protected. 
Together, let’s make this year truly the Year of the Tiger.

Donate now.

Yours in conservation,  

Hank Lynch

P.S. WildAid is proud to maintain a four-star rating from Charity Navigator, reflecting strong oversight and fiscal responsibility. Please give today.

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