You Can Expand Our Global Partners Program! |
Since 2016, we’ve partnered with small nonprofits worldwide to expand access to family planning options and reproductive health care, to remove barriers to girls’ education, and to conserve local natural resources through an integrated “population, health, environment” (PHE) approach.
Now, supporters
like you are helping to ramp up this incredible program, and every donation will be DOUBLED. Your fellow generous supporter will match your donation—and all donations!—to support our Global Partners, up to $250,000,
through December 31st! This special campaign will provide a transformative level of funding to boost our Global Partners program. |
Partner Spotlight Event: Nasaruni Academy for Maasai Girls |
Join us TOMORROW to learn more about one of our newest Global Partners, the Nasaruni Academy for Maasai Girls.
The Nasaruni Academy provides schooling for disadvantaged girls in rural Narok, Kenya. Maasai girls' lives are constrained by a culture of parents who educate only sons. At Nasaruni, girls experience the life-changing impact of education. They can dream about—and actively seek—new opportunities. They delay early marriage and are able to look forward to independent, fulfilling lives. Dr. Michelle Cude, the Executive Director and Chair of the U.S.-based Nasaruni Education Foundation, will give an overview of the academy’s programs, share stories of Nasaruni staff and students, and discuss how support from Population Connection's generous donors like you helps the Nasaruni Academy to grow. Dr. Cude's presentation, Education and Empowerment: How One School in Kenya is Helping Maasai Girls Find their Voice, takes place TOMORROW, Friday, December 9th, at 2pm EST/11am PST. |
PopEd Blog: Environmental Impacts of the Winter Holidays |
We're in the midst of the winter holiday season! Here in the U.S., most of us celebrate a variety of holidays during these months, including Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Diwali, Kwanzaa, and the New Year. In addition to an abundance of cheer, having so many holidays around the same time also means an abundance of meals, shopping, travel, and more. PopEd's latest blog breaks down the environmental impact from this season of good cheer, and provides useful tips for a more sustainable holiday season! |
If you haven't checked our website lately, you might have missed some new content that could be of interest to you! Here are our latest additions: |
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