Dear John,

As Treatment Advocacy Center’s director of research, I devote my work to addressing gaps in the research we rely on to move treatment and policy for severe mental illness forward.

One big gap? How SMI affects women. There just hasn’t been substantial research devoted specifically to how women experience and live with SMI and how we can shape treatment to better meet their needs. Together with my colleagues, we set out to right this wrong. The result is the first-ever SMI research report of, by and for women: “Listen To Us: The Unique Experience of Women with Severe Mental Illness.”

This is the innovative research you’re supporting when you donate to Treatment Advocacy Center. When you make a generous donation, we’re able to continue our work listening to and centering the lives of people and families affected by SMI, especially those who are members of multiple underserved communities, such as women, seniors and people of color.


I’m incredibly honored to be contributing to these efforts to better understand SMI — especially for women. But I need your help.

Research like this takes time, resources and staff support, all of it at substantial cost. We rely on our donors to fund the research that creates a better and more nuanced understanding of the realities of SMI.

When we invest in research and listen to the stories of individuals and families affected by SMI, we’re able to develop treatments, offer services and move policies that meet their needs. These stories are a catalyst for change that improves the lives and outcomes for all those affected by SMI.

Donate today toward our goal of raising $150,000 before the end of the year. Invest in Treatment Advocacy Center’s research so that we can continue to close the gaps.

Thank you for supporting our work,

Elizabeth Sinclair Hancq

Director of Research

Treatment Advocacy Center

200 North Glebe Road

Suite 801

Arlington, Virginia 22203

(703) 294-6001

QUESTIONS ABOUT GIVING? Contact: Kelly Russo, Director of Development

[email protected]

(571) 970-2222

Donate Here



