Dear John,
You and I know that financial independence is critical for people subjected to domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. It can be especially challenging, or even impossible, for them to escape abuse if they lose their jobs and face heightened economic insecurity.
That's why Futures Without Violence joined with Legal Momentum to produce the new State Guide on Employment Rights For Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking, which we are releasing today.

The findings are sobering. We looked at anti-discrimination protections, reasonable accommodations in the workplace, leave/time off, and unemployment insurance in each state and several territories. Unfortunately, only a small handful of states – California, Hawai'i, Illinois, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Washington, Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico – have enacted robust legal protections that help people facing violence keep their jobs.
With violence so pervasive and survivors consistently telling us it affects their ability to do their jobs, improving state workplace protection laws is essential. This guide is a first step for advocates, elected leaders, and employers to understand what's needed.
We thank you, as always, for your unwavering support.
In Solidarity,
Esta Soler
Founder & President