From Aaron White, PPI <[email protected]>
Subject PPI's Progress Report: Can Democrats Break America's Political Stalemate?
Date December 8, 2022 3:15 PM
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Progress Report
News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.
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Can Democrats Break America's Political Stalemate?
By Will Marshall
PPI's President
For The Hill ([link removed])

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It was inspiring to watch a scrappy U.S. men’s soccer team battle mighty England to a 0-0 draw in the World Cup’s first round. But let’s face it: Americans have little use for moral victories — we want to score and win.

It’s time we applied that principle to our national politics. Since 2000, the competition between Democrats and Republicans for governing power has been stuck in a virtual tie. Tenuous control of the White House and Congress keeps oscillating back and forth because U.S. voters are reluctant to entrust either party with a big or lasting majority.

When neither party can win a popular mandate for change, it’s hard for our country to make sustained progress in any direction. American democracy seems trapped in a political doom loop of intensifying polarization, identity-fueled tribalism and parity between two minority parties.

As the parties migrate toward their respective ideological poles, they vacate the pragmatic center and get smaller. Amplified by social media, dogmatic and extremist voices drown out temperate ones and drive out independents, who now constitute roughly a third of the electorate.
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NEW POLICY BRIEF: Russian Shutoffs and American Exports: Explaining the European Natural
Gas Shortage
By Elan Sykes
PPI's Energy Policy Analyst

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Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, placing the European Union in a bind and forcing a choice between supporting Ukraine with aid, arms sales, and sanctions on Russia on the one hand, or withholding support to maintain Russian natural gas supplies. Before the invasion, Russia served as the largest supplier of natural gas to the EU through multiple pipeline systems and as Liquified Natural Gas (LNG). Europe chose support for Ukraine, and two key pipelines were shut off following the invasion.

The EU has sought to increase LNG imports from around the world to make up the gap as best as possible, and global gas prices skyrocketed as a consequence. The U.S. has stepped in as a key LNG supplier, sending nearly triple the quantity of LNG to the EU through August 2022 compared to the first eight months of 2021. The U.S., EU, and other allies with ambitious climate agendas should also seize on the crisis as an opportunity to expand and speed up deployment of clean energy and efficiency technologies to the greatest extent possible.
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ICYMI: PPI Hosts "A Toast to Pragmatic Champions"
Honoring retiring Members of Congress
and the 117th Congress's pragmatic leaders

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Thank you to all who joined us in raising a glass for our retiring pragmatic Members and their accomplishments throughout their terms in Congress!

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ICYMI: UK Labour Adviser Claire Ainsley to Direct New PPI Project
Ainsley most recently served as Executive Director of Policy for the Labour Party’s Leader of the Official Opposition, Keir Starmer

The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) announced it is expanding its international operation to the United Kingdom, bringing on Claire Ainsley as Director of the PPI Project on Center-Left Renewal. This new U.K.-U.S. initiative aims to catalyze and create renewal of the center-left, as social democrats have seen a revival in their fortunes around the world.

The PPI Project on Center-Left Renewal will look at the political forces driving the changes and how center-left parties can build sustainable majorities in volatile times. Most recently, Ainsley was Executive Director of Policy for the Labour Party’s Leader of the Official Opposition, Keir Starmer MP.
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New from the Experts

Paul Bledsoe, PPI's Strategic Advisor: DOE girds for House Republican oversight
⮕ ([link removed]) E&E News ([link removed])

London Playbook: No harms done — Blowin’ in the wind — Change on China, ft. Claire Ainsely, Director of PPI's Project on Center-Left Renewal
⮕ Politico ([link removed])

Paul Bledsoe, PPI's Strategic Advisor: Cop out: Ignoring the dictatorships now causing the climate crisis at COP27
⮕ The Hill ([link removed])

The 74: The Voters Speak: Post-Election Lessons for America's Schools, ft. Tressa Pankovits, Co-Director of PPI's Reinventing America's Schools Project
⮕ The 74 ([link removed])

ICYMI: Taylor Maag, PPI's Director of Workforce Development Policy: A New Way for America to Re-Embrace Apprenticeship
⮕ Medium ([link removed])
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Making Sense of America’s Chronic Disease Epidemic
By Dr. Michael Mandel
PPI Vice President and Chief Economist
and Dr. Kenneth E. Thorpe
for The Reporter ([link removed])

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President Biden and lawmakers in both parties have prioritized slashing Americans’ out-of-pocket spending on insulin. And they recently made significant strides by including a $35-a-month co-pay cap for insulin for Medicare beneficiaries in the Inflation Reduction Act.

But as promising as these cost-reduction measures are, they raise a key question: Why limit the co-pay price caps to just insulin? Nearly eight million Pennsylvanians live with at least one chronic condition and three million are living with two or more. For seniors on Medicare, chronic disease prevalence is even higher and, for millions with fixed incomes, out-of-pocket costs are increasingly problematic.

If a $35-a-month co-pay cap makes sense for insulin — and it does — why not implement the same policies for medicines that treat asthma, hypertension, and other common chronic conditions and focus on Medicare where chronic diseases are so prevalent?
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Improving Electricity Transmission Siting Opportunities with Senator John Hickenlooper

The Progressive Policy Institute hosted an event with U.S. Senator John Hickenlooper (D-CO) and a panel of energy experts, focused on expanding power line capacity to enable renewable energy deployment.
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The GOP's Upcoming Civil War, ft. Tim Miller

Coming out of the 2022 midterm elections, what's going to happen as Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump both prepare to run for president in 2024? Tim Miller of The xxxxxx joins the podcast to discuss this upcoming GOP civil war. What are the issues where Trump and DeSantis might attack each other? Who are the groups they have to appeal to?

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