Russian LGBTQ+ museum closes after new law bans 'gay propaganda'

The country's only LGBTQ+ museum is no more after President Vladimir Putin signed a wide-ranging ban on LGBTQ+ expression


Germany's LGBTQ+ Catholics gain new labour rights - will wider Church follow?

The German Catholic Church's efforts to end discrimination against LGBTQ+ employees moves it further away from Vatican doctrine

Polish court clears IKEA manager who fired employee for anti-LGBT remarks

A Polish court ruled that an IKEA manager who dismissed an employee for posting anti-LGBT comments was not guilty of religious discrimination

Georgia runoff: The 'armed and gay' Libertarian behind the rematch

Chase Oliver, the gay U.S. Senate candidate who caused Tuesday's high-stakes midterms vote, backs people power and gun ownership

New Zealand says self-identity enough for transgender athletes in community sport

Transgender athletes will be able to participate in community sport in New Zealand in the gender they identify with and not need to prove or justify their identity

Web designer opposed to gay marriage at center of U.S. Supreme Court clash

The wedding websites that Colorado-based web designer Lorie Smith would like to create for clients will not show same-sex nuptials

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