Biden screwed up again. No images? Click here Happy Thursday! Check out the articles CaucusRoom members have shared. You have until December 9th to view the video of candidate statements and vote in each time zone for the CaucusRoom Council.Putin Says He Has Not Gone Mad Putin expressed concern that the threat of nuclear war is rising as his country continues its invasion of Ukraine. Biden Offering Billions to Countries using Coal Biden and Indonesian President Widodo struck a deal that will send Indonesia, $20 billion over the next three-to-five years to phase out coal production and switch to green energy to reach global targets for reducing carbon emissions. Cleaning House Twitter ignited upon the news that CEO Elon Musk booted former FBI general counsel James Baker from the company for “suppression” of information. Biden Screws Up Again Millions of student loan borrowers who applied for student-debt relief under a program from the Biden Administration were wrongfully informed last month that their applications were approved 2022 Person of the Year Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been named Person of the Year by Time magazine. Teachers are Fleeing the Union The NEA, the nation’s largest teachers union, lost 40,107 members, while the AFT, the nation’s second-largest teachers union, declined by 19,078. Election Finally Over Democrats will return to Washington with a 51 to 49 majority in the U.S. Senate. Although Senate Democrats only managed a net pick-up of one seat this election cycle despite a highly favorable map, that lone seat carries great significance. Your Funny of the Day!