The NCUA Wednesday issued a Letter to Federal Credit Unions notifying institutions that the emergency exemption granted amid the COVID-19 pandemic to hold membership and board of director meetings completely virtually will expire at the end of this year. However, the agency clarified several areas of flexibility related to holding hybrid meetings and member notices.
NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Greg Mesack, and Vice President of Legislative Affairs Brad Thaler were recognized as top 2022 association lobbyists by The Hill, a daily newspaper covering Congress and Washington D.C.
The House and Senate Armed Services Committees released the compromised version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) late Tuesday evening. The final legislation is positive for credit unions as it does not include several NAFCU-opposed provisions.
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As credit unions work to meet the needs of more than 134 million Americans, NAFCU's award-winning regulatory compliance team continues to keep credit unions informed with new posts on the Compliance Blog, published every Monday and Wednesday.
This afternoon at 4 p.m. Eastern, NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Greg Mesack, and other association leaders will provide credit unions with a recap of the final quarter of 2022 and a breakdown of legislative efforts happening during the lame duck session during the association’s Q4 Member Webinar. It’s not too late to register for the event; registration is complimentary, but you must register to attend.