Dear Defender of Wildlife,
The world’s most endangered polar bear population is about to have some new neighbors: a wave of massive, deafening Big Oil machinery.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is planning to undo protections on habitat that critically imperiled polar bears in the Southern Beaufort Sea population need to survive.
The reason? Oil companies want to move in and start developing on protected lands – and they’re not letting the threat of killing off these polar bears get in the way of their profits.
Tell the BLM: Don’t betray critically imperiled polar bears for oil money!
The National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPRA) contains more than petroleum: It’s also some of the most important wildlife habitat in the world. Ice seals, caribou, migratory birds and more all have important habitat currently protected in the NPRA.
And of course, it’s home to the Southern Beaufort Sea population of polar bears, a population already deeply impacted by climate change-driven sea ice loss.
Oil and gas development is already a major culprit for habitat loss. But letting those companies set up shop in this protected habitat could be a deathblow to these struggling polar bears.
Polar bears need our help – Sign today to stop this attack on their home!
The BLM has already acknowledged in its own draft environmental impact statement that oil and gas companies cannot completely eliminate the negative impact their development will inflict on polar bears.
The writing’s on the wall: If the BLM approves more oil and gas leasing in the NPRA, polar bears could die. Don’t let them get away with doing Big Oil’s bidding and stripping vulnerable wildlife protections!
Defender of Wildlife, we have to ask how far we’re willing to let oil and gas companies go as they devastate species after species in the hunt for profits.
Alaska’s wildlife is worth more to Americans than pleasing Big Oil shareholders. Tell the BLM today: Do your duty and protect our wildlife!
It only takes a moment to sign. Stand up to the BLM for polar bears and arctic wildlife!
Thank you for all you do to protect our most vulnerable wildlife from the threat of extinction and habitat loss.
Nicole Whittington-Evans
Alaska Program Director Defenders of Wildlife |