Friend, Today is your last chance to ensure that you can spread joy with an SPLC holiday tribute card before Dec. 25. All you have to do is honor a friend or loved one by making a special tribute gift to the SPLC. For tribute gifts of $50 or more, we'll mail a specially designed holiday card to the honoree. Cards for tribute gifts made by Dec. 8 should arrive on or before Dec. 25. We have a limited number of holiday cards available, so we encourage you to make your tribute gift as early as possible. To send a tribute card to your honoree, select “this gift is a tribute” under the Donation Type menu. Then click the “mail a card” button. If you prefer, you may also instantly notify the honoree of your tribute gift with an email notification. We will continue to send our special holiday tribute cards through the end of this year; however, we cannot guarantee that cards for tribute gifts made after Dec. 8 will arrive by Dec. 25. Make your tribute gift today to ensure your card will arrive in time for the holiday! Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and healthy holiday season, Your friends at the Southern Poverty Law Center