Gifts came early this year!

Hi John,

We are excited to share that our 2023 policy agenda is here! Washington’s legislative session begins in January and we’re preparing to return to Olympia with our boldest agenda yet.

At the top of the list is a proposal to prohibit the sale of semi-automatic assault rifles. Semi-automatic assault rifles have been used in each of the deadliest mass shootings in our nation’s history. These weapons of war have no place in our communities. This policy is long overdue.

Assault weapons aren’t our only focus this year. Here are a few other highlights from our agenda:

  • Requiring a Permit to Purchase Firearms: Our neighbors in Oregon just approved a ballot measure to establish a permit-to-purchase system. It’s time we follow suit. States with permit-to-purchase laws have lower rates of gun deaths and fewer guns diverted to criminals.
  • Establishing Pathways to Justice for Gun Violence Victims: Federal law has made it almost impossible to hold the gun industry accountable for the harm their products cause. Washington can take action to incentivize responsible business practices and enable individuals to seek justice in court for harms caused by the industry.
  • Increasing funding for the Office of Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention: Among other things, this office is tasked with public education and allocating funding to community-led violence prevention programs. We must ensure these programs have substantial funding in order to be successful.

Last year, we won an incredible victory with the passage of high-capacity magazine restrictions and five other community safety bills. That was only possible because of supporters like you who engaged with us every step of the way. We’re committed to building on that progress in the year ahead, but we’ll need you alongside us.

Renée (she/her)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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