Hi John,
Today was one of the most important days for democracy we’ve ever seen.
Coming off a midterm election cycle where our movement fought back a slew of anti-democracy candidates and secured critical pro-voter wins in several cities and states, we’re gearing up to go big in 2023.
At the same time, some of our most impactful wins could come under attack by self-interested politicians based on what happened in the Supreme Court today.
There's too much at stake to back down now. That’s why our generous group of donors has just upped the ante. Starting right now your gift can go THREE TIMES as far as part of our year-end fundraising drive.
This morning, the Supreme Court held a hearing in Moore v. Harper1 – a case that could be as devastating to democracy as Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. This is an astonishing power grab by corrupt politicians and yet another outright attack on the rights of voters, John.
This is the kind of entrenched corruption that RepresentUs was founded to fight. RepresentUs supporters were outside the Court this morning making our voices heard and letting the country know we won’t sit back while they attack our rights.

If you were on the fence about making your very first gift to RepresentUs to help us fight corruption now is your moment. Your gift will be MATCHED, up to $100,000, to go 3X as far today.
Even if you couldn’t be inside the Court arguing this case or outside making your voice heard, you can still do something meaningful right now to make sure we have the resources to go all out in 2023.
There’s too much at risk right now for us to take our foot off the gas. Even though our movement has a proven track record of winning, huge obstacles like this Supreme Court case mean we have to dig even deeper to get government working for the people once more.
Make no mistake, our opposition is coordinated and deadly serious.
But we’ve proven time and again that our movement can rise to the challenge and meet them head-on.
We can’t do that without you.
Dave O'Brien Policy Director RepresentUs
[1] Moore v. Harper: What’s At Stake for America’s Elections, RepresentUs  |