WHEN: The Colorado Democratic Party Reorganization will happen on April 1st, 2022 at the Sheraton Hotel in Denver.
WHO: Any registered Democrat in Colorado can run for any of our Officers Positions.
HOW: The State Central Committee elects our Officers.
Interested in running?
- Please email your letter of intent to run to [email protected] by March 11, 2023.
All candidates will get access to the State Central Committee List.
- All candidates will be listed on our website.
Job Descriptions
State Party Chair: The State Chair is responsible for the day-to-day running of the entire
Colorado Democratic Party. The Chair is responsible for personnel decisions, signing of
contracts and raising money to pay for the operations and campaign projects of the Colorado
Democratic Party. The State Chair recruits and trains candidates, volunteers, supports and
trains county parties and is responsible for planning multi-county and state bi-annual re-
organizations, assemblies and conventions. The Chair devises a campaign plan for the
priorities each year, in periodic consultation with the other officers. Their State Party chair is an automatic member of the Democratic National Committee and the Association of State
Democratic Chairs and EDs. The State Chair creates the agenda and presides over the State
Central and Executive meetings, including State Re-Organization, Assembly and Convention.
The State Chair sets the leadership tone and priority projects of the state party, helps resolve
disputes, and provides messaging and digital guidance for local leaders and activists across the state.
The State Party Chair works closely with the other officers for planning and implementing
projects and works closely with the Executive Director and other staff on the day to day
operations and projects of the party. The Chair is responsible for compliance with the law,
adequate insurance, and for all state party contracts. The State Chair is a full-time (plus)
position and is expected to also build relationships with Democratic elected officials at the
federal, state and local level. It is the responsibility of the chair to lead the state to elect as
many Democrats as possible. (This means overseeing voter registration, recruitment, training, persuasion and targeting guidance, voter protection and get out the vote.) This may include flipping new seats, defending current seats or defeating recall efforts against our candidates.
State Party 1 st Vice Chair: The First Vice Chair steps in to cover any of the duties of the Chair(above) if the Chair is unavailable. The First Vice Chair is an automatic member of the
Democratic National Committee and the Association of State Democratic Chairs and EDs. The First Vice Chair must not be the same gender as the Chair. The job of the First Vice Chair is to support the Chair and help the party achieve its goals. The First Vice Chair contributes their time and skills to the greater vision of the party. There is a great deal of flexibility of what this looks like and will often be defined with more specificity in consultation with the Chair.
State Party 2 nd Vice Chair: The Second Vice Chair steps in to cover any of the duties of the
Chair or 1 st Vice Chair if they are unavailable. There is a great deal of flexibility as to what this officer is responsible for, but has traditionally been focused on Outreach efforts of the State Party. The Second Vice Chair may handle other duties as delegated and is a member of the Executive Officer Team.
State Party Secretary: The State Party Secretary is responsible for taking notes and minutes
for all party meetings. The Secretary submits the draft minutes for review and edits and
presents them for adoption at the next meeting and for documenting follow up and to do items
arising out of Executive Officer meetings. This position may also include list maintenance and
hygiene for Democratic Party membership of the State Central Committee and the State
Executive Committee. This position may also include periodic communications from the party.
Treasurer: The State Party Treasurer is a signer on all CDP accounts, reviews FEC and
TRACER reports prior to filing, assists with fundraising, and participates in creating and
presenting the CDP budget. The State Party Treasurer is the registered agent, whose name
appears on all printed materials and they are the designated recipient for all official
communications from the FEC or SOS. The person in this position has legal responsibility for
the finances of the state party. The State Party Treasurer is part of the executive officer team
and may assist with other Democratic party projects from time to time.
Vice Chair Party Operations: The Vice Chair of Party Operations would be responsible for analyzing and recommending efficient systems for handling party business for caucuses, assemblies, conventions and re-organizations from the state party. The person in this position would take a leading role in communicating, training and coordinating, subject to the oversight of the Chair with input from counties, districts and other state officers. This person should be organized, familiar with state law and party rules, a strong planner, and good with follow-through.
Vice Chair of Public Relations & Marketing: The Vice Chair of Public Relations & Marketing is a position designed to enhance the work of the Digital and Communications Director. This person should be capable of being a press secretary for the Colorado Democratic Party and work well under the guidance of the Chair and the Digital and Communications Director. Ideally, they have the capacity to create digital content, draft press releases and prepare press conferences for the State Party. This person should have press, marketing or public relations experience.
Vice Chair Geographic Community Outreach: The Vice Chair of Geographic Community Outreach is a position that is focused on how to learn from and connect between the 64 different counties in Colorado with an eye toward what is needed to connect in rural, suburban and urban areas of the state. This person would help organize the annual CDP outreach tours in partnership with local county parties and would connect with the Rural Initiative of the State on how to best connect with rural regions and voters. This person should be willing to travel and know the full state well. (The current rules allow the chair to appoint supporting volunteer positions to break the state into regions of specialization. Those appointees would specialize in their region under a total statewide Geographic outreach plan.)
Vice Chair Cultural & Demographic Outreach: The Vice Chair of Cultural & Demographic Outreach is a position that focuses on communities tied together by shared experiences of race, religion, gender, orientation, military service, age or workforce, or issue priorities. This person would be responsible for engaging the state initiatives of the Colorado Democratic Party, devising an outreach plan, in coordination with the other state officers, and leading an effort to identify key communities, community leaders, key events, and policy areas of particular importance. This person should be willing to travel, attend events and have strong intersectional relationships and contacts. (The current rules allow the chair to appoint supporting volunteer positions to specialize where there are strong relationships in key communities. Those appointees would specialize in focused communities within the outreach plan.)