The 2022 election year ends with a big victory.
Georgia did it again.

Last night, voters in Georgia turned out to send Reverend Warnock back to the Senate. This would not have been possible without a diverse coalition of Black, Brown, AAPI, Latino, immigrant, and working-class voters, who propelled Senator Warnock to victory.
I’m so excited to continue working with Reverend Warnock to deliver for working people and families across the country.
With Rev. Warnock in the Senate, we have an expanded majority that can let us fight for working families. Will you donate $3 — or whatever you can — to continue to support our progressive movement?
Contribute $3
Reverend Warnock ran a people-centered campaign aimed at bringing real relief to working families - and Georgians took note. When you organize a diverse, engaged coalition, you leave no votes on the table and you WIN! Senator Warnock is the real deal; he will keep fighting to lift up working Georgians and be a true representative of his state and the diverse communities within it.
We are so lucky to have Reverend Warnock back in the Senate. I’m looking forward to continuing to work with Reverend Warnock as we fight for meaningful, lifesaving policies that make a difference for our communities.
With a crucial 51-49 majority in the Senate, our progressive bloc in the House can continue to fight for the policies that benefit working Americans. Will you donate so we can continue building the diverse, progressive movement that will fight for us all?
Remember, with you in our movement, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish.
In solidarity,