December 7, 2022  •  Weekly Newsletter
Lloyd Billingsley (American Greatness)

Who will replace Fauci? Given the Biden auspices, it will be somebody loyal to the Delaware Democrat and a Fauci doppelganger. And that would be a disaster. More white coat supremacy will hasten the fundamental transformation of America from a free constitutional republic to a dreary Soviet Covidistan. READ MORE »

Jeffrey Tucker (Epoch Times)

It’s bad enough that lockdowns corroded life and liberty. To discover that vast support for them was funded by Crypto fakery is a deeper level of corruption that not even the most cynical among us could have imagined. READ MORE »
Richard K. Vedder (James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal)

When progressives gather, the nation’s academic villages, like our cities, suffer riot. No wonder a recent Stanford event on academic free speech was “invitation-only.” Is this the future of the American university? READ MORE »
Raymond J. March

Smart Sock had been on the market for five years, boasted a 90% accuracy rating, and helped over 600,000 parents care for their sick children—but, thanks to the regulation-happy FDA, not this year. As a result, RSV this winter will be more deadly for America’s kids. READ MORE »

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