We did it, folks!!

It was a long, hard-fought battle — and many pundits said it was impossible — but after Rev. Warnock’s win last night in Georgia, we have officially EXPANDED our Senate majority by one seat. 

This team came together to defend all of my most vulnerable Democratic colleagues: Sen. Mark Kelly, Sen. Maggie Hassan, Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, and Rev. Raphael Warnock — and even helped flip a Pennsylvania seat by electing John Fetterman (who I’m excited to welcome to the Senate Big Boys Caucus!).

This was a long election season, made even longer by a runoff election. But now, we can rest easy knowing that our hard work paid off, and we’ve kept the gavel out of Mitch McConnell’s hands. 

This is a great day for our country, and I’m glad to be celebrating it with you!

— Jon