CCLers begin virtual lobbying; Updates on Nerd Corner; Write to Congress
about the RISEE Act
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CCL Weekly Briefing, Dec. 7, 2022
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Table of Contents:
CCL conference success
Take action this week
Pullman climate survey results
Upcoming trainings
CCL conference successfully paves way for new year
This past weekend, CCL held our online December conference to
successfully roll out our new and expanded policy agenda. Over 1,500
attendees heard from members of Congress, researchers, CCL staff, and
renewable energy experts from across the nation about some of CCL's
upcoming policies and how to make them a reality in 2023.
"Our values and purpose and ways of working together remain the same.
It's our strategy that evolves to fit the times we're in and the
organization that we've become," said CCL Executive Director Madeleine
Para in her opening speech.
In this conference, CCL staff and industry experts discussed CCL's new
strategies for 2023, which include:
Continuing support for a carbon fee and dividend and a carbon border
adjustment mechanism
Growing healthy forests and trees across the U.S. and combating
international deforestation
Building electrification and efficiency in buildings across the U.S.
Working through the permitting reform process to accelerate the approval
of clean energy projects and add to America's capacity to transmit clean
With these policy priorities, CCL aims to reduce and mitigate emissions,
work with both parties in new ways and push them towards greater action.
These policies will increase our effectiveness and work in tandem with
the priorities of Congress. Together, they will help lower U.S. carbon
emissions to net zero.
If you couldn't attend, don't fret! Keep an eye on the CCL blog for
conference speech transcripts and seminar recaps. For now, check out the
YouTube playlist below for the conference speeches, seminars, and
presentations below.
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In other news this week:
• The best lobbyists money can't buy: At Citizens' Climate, we believe
everyday people make the best lobbyists money can't buy — with the power
to push our government to take meaningful action on climate change. And,
it works: in August, the most significant climate legislation in U.S.
history was made law thanks, in large part, to the broad support for
climate solutions we built together. Still, in order to avoid the most
devastating effects of climate change, we need to do even more. We aim
to raise $1.5 million by December 31st to help us reach, train, and
mobilize even more dedicated citizen lobbyists—at a time when Congress
has shown more interest in climate solutions than ever before. Can we
count on you to pitch in? Make a tax-deductible donation to Citizens'
Climate Education today.
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• CCLers on the Hill (virtually): For the December lobby session, CCL
volunteers have already scheduled 259 meetings, and there are 433
confirmed appointment setters. Excellent work, CCLers! If you haven't
already, work with your chapter to set up a lobby meeting. You can find
some helpful resources here
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• Grasstops Engagement Action Team: On Dec. 14, the Grasstops Engagement
Action Team will feature a guest speaker, CERES Senior Associate Levi
Kamolnick, to talk about the importance of grasstops leaders in
legislative work and how they can best extend their support for strong
climate policy. You can find more information about this event here
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• Nerd Corner: The brainiacs at CCL's Nerd Corner have been doing plenty
of research. You can read more about the power of carbon pricing being
reaffirmed in a major new study here
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, and you can read about Austria's climate bonus here
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• Volunteer Spotlight — Gigi Santo: "Gigi" Santo is a high school senior
and Group Co-Leader in Broward County, Florida. She also spoke about
leadership at CCL's December conference. Read her story here
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• With Gratitude #3: In this gratitude installment
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, you'll read about volunteers who tabled for Earth Day, petitioned
AARP, and plenty more examples of creating the political will for a
liveable world.
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Take action this week
If you have a little time: Urge Congress to support the RISEE Act
Thanks to all of the hard work of CCL volunteers supporting the RISEE
Act, we've added 14 cosponsors to the House bill and two Republican
senators to the Senate bill within the last week alone. Excellent work!
If you haven't contacted your member of Congress yet, you can do that
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If you have more time: Join the December national call
Join us this Saturday, Dec. 10, 10 a.m. PT/ 1 p.m. ET, for our December
national call! This month's guest speaker is Marcelo Mena, CEO of Global
Methane Hub, which supports methane emissions reduction efforts around
the world. In this month's call, he will offer his perspective on the
recent COP27 climate summit. You can find more information about that
call here
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Find your CCL chapter
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| Browse upcoming events
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Pullman CCL surveys residents on climate
The Pullman (Washington) chapter of CCL has been busy collecting data
over the last few months about concern in their community about climate
The chapter received more than 300 responses to a survey about the
impacts of climate change in their community.
CCLer Kynan Witters Hicks said that the Pullman chapter created the
survey to better understand public knowledge surrounding the climate,
gauge concern for potential climate impacts, and to better understand
citizen willingness to support political action. The survey was
completed in the fall of 2021 and included around 415 respondents.
The chapter also collected data on possible clean energy solutions from
citizens before submitting the results to the Pullman City Council.
You can read the full story in the Moscow-Pullman Daily News below.
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Upcoming trainings
12/8: Help Your Chapter Take Action With CCL's Policy Agenda — You
learned about CCL's policy agenda at our December conference, and now
it's time to select the policies that you will advocate and decide how
you will take action. Join CCL's National Action Director Todd Elvins
for a training to take action with your chapter using CCL's Take Action
worksheet as a guide to plan your next steps. Join us!
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12/15: Getting Started With Local Partnership Ideas — As CCL expands our
policy agenda, it opens up the possibilities for chapters to work with
local and state-level climate groups and policymakers. Join CCL staff
for a discussion around how to get started with local partnership ideas.
Join us!
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Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer
Training, made for newer volunteers:
12/13: Chapter Development Basics — CCL chapters form the backbone of
our organization. People from all walks of life who understand the
urgency of climate change have started local CCL chapters across the
world. This training will highlight recommendations and resources to
help get a new CCL chapter up and running as well as the chance to hear
from CCL group leaders about their experiences organizing their groups.
Join us!
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To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page
of CCL Community
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Donate now to support our climate action work
Donate Now!
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