With planning by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) for offshore wind energy development in the Gulf of Maine moving forward, the Maine Department of Marine Resources is surveying highly migratory species (HMS) permit holders to gather information that could help minimize the impact of wind energy development on fishing. There currently exists a large data gap regarding the use of habitat by HMS permit holders and how that might overlap with the siting of offshore wind energy developments. Follow this link to complete the survey. The aim of this survey is to compile fishermen-driven data along with other information to characterize the fishing effort for HMS. Data from this survey will be developed into a report which will be used by the State of Maine as a basis for comments on offshore wind energy development applications. The report will also made available to other stakeholders for use in determining and minimizing impacts to HMS fisheries. The deadline for completing this survey is February 24, 2023 at 11:59 PM EST. Follow this link to complete the survey. If you know of an HMS permit holder who should take this survey, please forward this notice to them. For more information, contact [email protected]