John, at 10 Eastern today, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in Moore v. Harper -- a case where Common Cause and our allies are pushing back against a dangerous power grab that could wreak havoc on our democracy.
Here's 5 ways you can follow along with today's important events:
North Carolina lawmakers, upset about a victory for fair maps that
our legal team at the Southern Coalition for Social Justice won for
voters, want the Supreme Court to grant them unchecked power when it
comes to elections — and open the door for legislative anti-democracy
agendas of voter suppression and gerrymandering across the nation.
But at stake is something more fundamental that affects all of us:
whether our elections should be about the will of the voters, or about
how the political party in power manipulates election outcomes, not
just in North Carolina, but in any state across the country.
We won’t let this attempted power grab go unanswered -- and it's thanks to Common Cause supporters like you that we are able to engage in critically important legal fights like this one.
Thanks for all you do,
The team at Common Cause