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Dear John


Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill passes 3rd reading in House of Lords!

Green Baroness Jenny Jones' Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill passed its 3rd reading in the House of Lords on Friday 2 December with strong cross-party support! This landmark Bill is also known as Ella's Lawย in memory of nine-year-old Ella Roberta Adoo Kissi-Debrah, the first person to have air pollution listed by a coroner as a cause of death.

This Green Party achievement could not have come at a more fitting time, as this week (5-9 December) marks the 70th anniversary of the Great Smog of London, which killed up to 12,000 people and led to the first Clean Air Act in 1956. But air pollution still kills around 40,000 people a year in the UK and causes severe ill health for millions more.

Great Smog Week is a great opportunity to highlight the need to bring air quality in our towns and cities to within World Health Organization limits โ€“ exactly what Ella's Law is designed to do. Here's how you can help:

๐Ÿ’š Sign the petition here

๐Ÿ’š Share our posts on Twitter, Facebook or Instagramย about the Great Smog and Ella's Law
๐Ÿ’š Email your MP to say that you want action to reduce air pollution and ask them to support the Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill when it reaches the House of Commons. There's information on the Bill and why it's so badly needed here


As always, thank you for your support,


In solidarity,

Green Team
