100,000 PEOPLE



IN 2020

Will you take your place in the spiritual battle?

Will you commit to being an intercessor in 2020?

This year we are focussing on seeing 100,000 people coming to Jesus across Africa, and on even stronger steps to establish preservation (discipleship) groups.

Will you pray for those in Africa who proclaim the gospel and for those who hear it?

African Enterprise remains committed to evangelising the cities of Africa through Word and Deed in partnership with the church.

AE teams have been hard at work planning the missions for this year but it is the Lord who produces the harvest. Plead with Him that it may be bountiful!

Our newsletter and Prayer Diary, to be posted soon, will fuel your prayers. Let us know if you would like to receive additional copies for your networks. Thank you for your amazing support in prayer and giving that has enabled such a harvest in the last year.

To God be the Glory - may His Kingdom come!


Please pray:

  • For preparations for the first three missions: Togo (22-31 May), Dar es Salaam (1-30 June) and Rubavu, Rwanda (21-28 June)
  • For the establishment of our new presence in Zambia and uniting the churches there in preparation for mission in Lusaka.
  • For all the teams as they have a short break in January.
  • For all the new believers to be established in Christ.
  • For the finalisation of our mission in Arba Minch Ethiopia and the follow up amongst new believers and churches.
  • For the rollout of the women's self empowerment groups across Africa.




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PO Box 1584, Macquarie Centre, NSW 2113