Tell Your Senators and Representative to Stop the Dirty Deal

John –

Senator Manchin is again working to pass his dirty deal. And he must be stopped.

The provisions would gut environmental protections, fast-track dirty fossil fuel and mining projects, increase harm to communities on the frontlines, and double down on making homes sacrifice zones for industry profit.

This environmental injustice cannot stand. Take Action NOW.

Dirty Deal Protest Rashida Tlaib

Representative Rashida Tlaib promises to vote NO on the #dirtydeal at a rally held at the Capitol on Tuesday, Dec 6th.

People are mobilizing across the country to tell their Representatives and Senators to reject inclusion of Manchin’s dirty deal in any “must pass” legislation like the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) or government funding bill.

We stopped it once, because we stood up and spoke out. Now we need to fight hard to stop it again.

Tell your Rep and Senators now: NO DIRTY DEALS!


In solidarity, 

Kelsey Crane,
Senior Policy Advocate, Earthworks

Speak Up:

Contact your Members of Congress and make sure they reject Senator Manchin's "dirty deal."  |  Make a Donation

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