John, did you see this important message? Hope to see you tomorrow morning at the Supreme Court!
John, we’re rallying at the U.S. Supreme Court in defense of our democracy. Can you join us?
This coming December 7th, the Court is hearing arguments in Moore v. Harper – a dangerous power grab that could wreak havoc on our democracy.
North Carolina lawmakers, upset about a victory for fair maps that our legal team at the Southern Coalition for Social Justice won for voters, want the Supreme Court to grant them unchecked power when it comes to elections — and open the door for legislative anti-democracy agendas of voter suppression and gerrymandering across the nation.
But at stake is something more fundamental that affects all of us: whether our elections should be about the will of the voters, or about how the political party in power manipulates election outcomes, not just in North Carolina, but in any state across the country.
We need your voice at the U.S. Supreme Court to send an unmistakable message: we won’t tolerate lawless lawmakers trying to take away our rights!
WHAT: #NoLawlessLawmakers Rally
WHERE: In front of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1 First St NE, Washington, DC 20543
WHEN: Wednesday, December 7th at 9 a.m. during oral arguments in Moore v. Harper
WHY: To show our support for checks and balances and resist this anti-democratic power grab.
***American Sign Language interpreters will be present at the event***
Across our country including places like North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania; state constitutional protections are the final line of defense for voting rights. We’ve used them in dozens of successful lawsuits that protected voters’ rights.
So, we’re not exaggerating when we say that the far-right litigants in this case are asking the Supreme Court justices to upend our democracy itself – and multiply the impact on Black and Brown communities.
After all, if the same gerrymandered state legislatures that spent last year passing devastating voter suppression laws in states like Georgia and Florida are given unchecked power to manipulate our elections, they can erect even more barriers to the ballot!
We won’t let this attempted power grab go unanswered – but we need your help. Can you join Common Cause and the Southern Coalition for Social Justice for the #NoLawlessLawmakers Rally at the U.S. Supreme Court this December 7th?
Thanks for all you do,
Herb Meisner, Senior National Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause