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December 7th | 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Sheboygan Falls, WI

Our nation was founded by ordinary citizen activists desiring a government that was accountable to the people. Today, ordinary citizens across our nation are tired of the status quo and ready to engage for the betterment of their communities. American Majority’s political training addresses these passions by providing education and resources to help you meet your goals.

American Majority Wisconsin is pleased to announce that a New Leaders Campaign Training will be conducted Wednesday, December 7th in Sheboygan Falls, WI to provide candidates with the tools necessary to become successful.

If you are running for office, have ever thought about running for office, helping with a campaign or understanding more about the political process, plan on attending this event to learn what candidates need to do in order to win.

The event will be held at the American Legion, 531 Madison Street, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085. The training will run from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. On-site registration opens at 5:30 pm, but advance online registration is STRONGLY encouraged due to limited seating.


December 16th | 11:30am - 1:30pm
Tucson, AZ


Most of us aren’t born activists and don’t spend our time watching the news and reading draft bills. All the same, recent events are alarming on so many levels. We must speak up now about the direction our schools, cities, state, and nation are going!

This training is the key to understanding politics at the local level connected with important issues going on right here in Arizona! In an interactive, small group setting you will learn:

  • How to quickly and easily share opinions with your elected state officials
  • How to take effective action and get involved in Arizona
  • Organizations and resources to keep you updated with everything going on at the local level

New Online Courses
Available Now!!

Parental control of local school boards is essential always but especially in today’s climate of disintegrating morals and quest to control the masses coming from leftists. Running your school board with morals and standards you can be proud of is not only an admirable goal but a crucial one for future generations.

If we want America to continue to be a great nation, then we need to focus on how we might best empower children to succeed in the future. This course will guide and empower your success in creating a fair and balanced school board in your community.

In this course we equip individuals with an understanding of what is “election integrity,” what happened in the lead up to the 2020 election, and what we can do now and in our own communities to protect our most basic civil right – the right to vote and participate  in free and fair elections.

Topics Include:
  • History of Changes to Election Laws
  • What Happened in 2020 and other important election trends
  • What You Can Do About It

Don't see a training near you? Request one HERE

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American Majority Inc. P.O. Box 87 Purcellville, VA 20134 
Phone: (540) 338-1251
Email:[email protected]

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