Statistics in Schools brings subjects to life using real-world Census Bureau data to create materials for use year after year at all grade levels.
 Prepare for the Holidays With SIS Resources!
Happy holiday season! Keep students engaged with Statistics in Schools (SIS) resources during this special time of the year. Discover the population of places with festive-sounding names and explore the total number of toy makers in every state, imports of holiday decorations and more. Make learning fun and improve students? statistical literacy with SIS materials about the holidays.
A Week of Festive Fun
Bring some statistical cheer to your students and colleagues this holiday season with a variety of festive facts and creative holiday resources and activities from the Census Bureau?s Statistics in Schools (SIS) program.
Check out our new resource, A Week of Festive Fun With Census Bureau Data featuring a daily theme, fun fact, SIS resource and more to make sure your students have snow much fun counting down to winter break.
Day One: Discovering Festive-Sounding Places and Statistics
Did you know the population of Santa Claus, IN was 2,586 in 2020? Students can organize these places in the United States by geographic regions and answer a few questions with this warm-up activity. What other festive-sounding places do you know?
Day Two: Toy Makers by State Warm-Up Activity
How many toy makers were there in the United States and your state in 2020? Students can find out by participating in this warm-up activity. For this activity, they pretend they?re starting a toy manufacturing company and use the info they discover to decide and describe where they want to start it and why.
Day Three: Census Bureau Data Wonderland (Winter-Themed) Kahoot! Game
Students can test their knowledge with this Kahoot! game that showcases festive Census Bureau data on stuff like U.S. businesses with paid employees that primarily sold toys and games, the state with the most skiing establishments and more holiday-related data.
Day Four: Learn About U.S. Holidays With Census Bureau Data Kahoot Game!
How much do you know about the holidays? Test your knowledge with this Kahoot! game that ties Census Bureau statistics to holidays celebrated across the United States.
Day Five: Holiday Season Fun Facts
Shopping season is underway. Prepare for the holidays with our fun facts. Did you know there were about 4,000 department stores in the United States in 2020? This and other holiday-related facts such as the number of U.S. hobby, toy, and game stores are in our Holiday Season Fun Facts handout. Students can also learn which country led the way with U.S. imports of Christmas decorations and the median earnings of first-line supervisors and retail sales workers. Are you ready for the holidays?
December 21 ? Crossword Puzzle Day
Happy Crossword Puzzle Day! Students can do our Census Crossword puzzle to expand their statistical vocabulary and become familiar with terms like population and survey related to collecting and using Census Bureau data.