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Dear Press Freedom Supporter, 
In the last few years, CPJ has had to pivot to meet the changing needs of journalists amid a global pandemic, widespread protests, an uptick in online harassment and digital threats, and a changing climate–an increasingly dangerous beat for journalists to cover.

Whether by dispersing safety advisories in local languages or offering safety workshops and one-on-one consultations, CPJ stood ready to provide physical, digital, and psychosocial support, as well as financial assistance, to thousands of journalists all over the world.

Now we are preparing to support thousands more.

The need for assistance has never been greater, and CPJ is preparing to expand our emergencies team in the coming months so we’re able to bolster our rapid response and emergency support capabilities as soon as the threats to journalists appear.

That’s where you come in. In order to meet these needs, we need your support. If you have already donated to CPJ’s crucial work this year, we are very grateful. If you haven’t yet had the chance to give a gift, we hope you will consider making a donation today.

Together, we’ll be ready to respond when the need arises.

Thank you so much. 

Lucy Westcott
Emergencies Director 

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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States