We’ve made strong investments in voter mobilization and education efforts, and it’s time to show everyone that our work is paying off. 


Today is Election Day: the final day to get out the vote in the Georgia Runoff Election and re-elect voting rights champion Senator Raphael Warnock!

We only have a few hours left to reach every possible voter and make sure all of our hard work pays off. We can’t leave a single stone unturned in the final hours of this race. We need your help to get as many people as we can to the polls today, and to make sure every ballot is counted.

We can re-elect Sen. Warnock and fight back against Herschel Walker’s far-right, anti-democracy agenda if we ensure more eligible voters can make their voices heard at the ballot box.

Together, we can make history once again in Georgia — but this is only possible if we have the resources to make it happen.

Anything you can contribute could make all the difference in a race this close. Chip in $20 or anything you can in the final moments of this race to our 2022 Georgia Runoff Fund. Let’s hit this goal and send Sen. Warnock back to the Senate.

Thank you for everything,

The Fair Fight Team