In 2019, Chris dedicated himself to raising awareness of climate solutions through media outreach. He found that he wasn’t just good at crafting op-eds and getting them published: he was one of the best in the country! Chris has had a 600+ word op-ed published every month since 2019.
Name a paid lobbyist who has done THAT.
At Citizens’ Climate, our volunteers are concerned citizens with no ulterior motives other than to protect the planet and their loved ones. For us, climate action is a calling. As a result, our ranks are full of tenacious citizen lobbyists like Chris who go above and beyond in the fight for a livable world.
Please consider a tax-deductible donation to Citizens’ Climate Education today. Donations will help us recruit and empower even more exceptional citizen lobbyists like Chris in 2023.
As always, thanks for being the best part of Citizens’ Climate.