After making the long trek from the shoreline to the ocean for the very first time, a baby sea turtle spots a small, shiny object flickering about in the water. Assuming it is a fish, the baby turtle attempts to eat the floating item.

But WAIT, that’s not a fish! It’s actually a piece of plastic that could CHOKE and KILL the baby sea turtle. And if the turtle manages to ingest the plastic, it will be at major risk of malnutrition, chemical contamination, or damaged internal organs.

Sadly, this could be the fate for many more baby sea turtles and other marine life who mistake plastics for food, become entangled in it, or ingest its toxic chemicals. OVER A MILLION SPECIES DIE every year from plastic pollution, and at this rate, scientists predict there will be MORE PLASTIC THAN FISH in the sea by 2050 -- making it even harder for animals to discern what is edible food and what is deadly plastic. Friend, please take action now to help STOP plastic pollution from overrunning our oceans and killing baby sea turtles >>

Every piece of plastic that has ever been created still exists in some form on this planet today -- because plastic never disappears. Instead, it just keeps breaking down into tinier and tinier microplastics that end up in our water, our food, and our air.

Not only do plastics continue to accumulate in our environment every day, but the process of producing plastic also has devastating impacts. Plastic manufacturing facilities burn through huge amounts of fossil fuels and release massive amounts of pollution. This exacerbates the climate crisis and puts nearby communities -- primarily communities of color -- at significantly higher risk of cancer and other serious illnesses.

But greedy plastic corporations have been steadily bumping production up at a staggering rate of 9% every year. In fact, the plastic manufactured in just the first 10 years of this century is more than the total produced in the ENTIRE last century! We must take URGENT action to combat the plastic pollution crisis before the PLASTIC APOCALYPSE destroys our oceans and our planet. Will you add your name now?

Thanks for defending our planet from plastic pollution.
Friends of the Earth
