
When Republicans controlled the Senate, I worked with President Trump to help confirm over 200 conservative federal judges. But over the last two years, President Biden has already broken records with the number of progressive federal judges he's gotten through confirmation.

It will only get easier for the Left to push through the most radical judges if Raphael Warnock gets reelected in Georgia's senate runoff tomorrow.

There is so much at stake in Georgia. We need your help to get Herschel over the goal line now!

If Democrats win the Georgia seat and have a 51-49 majority, Republicans will lose all influence on the Judiciary Committee. Senate Democrats and President Biden will be able to push through anyone without input from conservatives.

A 51-49 Democrat Senate Majority opens the door for Biden and the Democrats to wreak havoc on our nation with very little ability for Republicans to slow it down.

John, please chip in $10, $22, or even $34 to help Herschel win and keep activist judges from receiving lifetime appointments to our courts.

Remember that judges matter - and this election matters!


Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham


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