Your support and input has always meant so much to my team and me, so as we prepare to get to work on behalf of the people of Arizona, I wanted to ask for your thoughts.

Elect Katie Hobbs


I want to take a moment to say thank you for everything.

This grassroots team has been there every step of the way, helping deliver a big win in November, and helping us reach our end-of-month fundraising goal after that. I really cannot thank you enough for your support, and I’m honored to be your Governor-Elect.

Your support and input has always meant so much to my team and me, so as we prepare to get to work on behalf of the people of Arizona, I wanted to ask for your thoughts. Can you take my team’s priorities survey and let us know what issues are most important to you as we look to 2023?


Throughout my campaign, I was fortunate to meet with folks all over the state and hear their perspectives on the greatest challenges we’re facing. Some are struggling to access the health care they need, while many are worried about the future of abortion access in our state. Some are highly concerned with Arizona’s water crisis, and many are understandably frustrated with rising costs and affordability. Others’ top priority is investing in education and ensuring that our hardworking teachers are not laid off as a result of the Aggregate Expenditure Limit, which is handcuffing our schools right now.

I’m ready to get to work tackling all of these concerns — but I want to make sure your perspective is accounted for as well. If you have a minute or two to share your input as we get ready to get to work, I’d really appreciate it.

Thank you for everything,
