#GivingTuesday Success for VDARE! Onward to $200,000!
Lydia Brimelow writes: A major thank you to everyone who donated on Giving Tuesday, and everyone who watched the VDARE.com Giving Tuesday Livestream from the Berkeley Springs Castle. I'm happy to say that we did indeed meet our $14,000 goal, with a combination of direct donations, pledges and cryptocurrency. Each dollar was matched by generous donors, bringing our total so far well over $28,000. By the end of the appeal, we hope to bring in $200,000.
If you didn't participate in yesterday's Giving Tuesday program you can watch the recording here, and donate at www.vdare.com/donate.
Thanks again!
To keep truly independent news sources like VDARE.com alive in an increasingly totalitarian landscape, we have to exist in partnership with our readers.
Donations of $100 a month (or $1,200 right now) will gain you membership to VDARE.com’s 1620 Society – an exclusive giving circle with benefits including a yearly meeting at VDARE’s Berkeley Springs Castle and a 1620 Society Lapel Pin. We’re honored that so many of you have joined already!
But if that isn’t something you’re in a position to do, even a $5, $10, $20 or $50 donation will push us forward – and with the current matching challenge it will be doubled for VDARE! We need your help and we’re down to the wire.
So please, give what you can to support VDARE.com today. We simply can’t do it without you.
For America,