I’ve loved animals since I was a child. Perhaps you can relate!
I remember adopting and caring for a sweet little cat. She was a stray, and we took her in. I always remember how she used to curl up on my bed every night—I loved her dearly.
I also remember working at a fourth generation dairy farm every day after school when I was in my teens. It was a place where the farmer knew every one of his 200 cows by name. But it was also a place where I witnessed the trauma of birth for the first time—not the trauma of birth itself, but the trauma of the calf torn away from his mother right after being born. I always remember that moment: the bleating, the confusion, the distress.
With my cat, with this cow and her calf, and with every animal I’ve met along the way, all I really cared about was how I could help.
That’s what drove me to become a veterinarian. It was always for the animals.
Veterinarians help animals in so many ways: by treating companion animals, caring for animals at sanctuaries and shelters, and beyond.
Then there are vets who become advocates for animals: changemakers like you and me. That’s the path I’ve followed. Because it’s where I know I can make the biggest difference: in bringing everything I’ve learned to transform how our society treats animals—especially animals raised in our broken food system.
As an advocate, you can help. Very soon, changemakers are delivering a petition straight to 7-Eleven’s headquarters with a powerful message for its executive team: Follow through for animals, like you promised you would. When we show up on 7-Eleven’s doorstep, I want them to be blown away. Will you add your name? Every signature counts.
Collectively, our community challenges massive corporations to do better for animals. I’m just so proud to work alongside you to fight to end the systemic abuse of animals worldwide. Together, we are a powerful community of animal defenders. Let’s keep changing the world for the better.
For the animals,

Vicky Bond
President |