Let’s smash the Democrats’ dreams of a 51-seat Senate majority.

John – I’m asking you to read this entire email with clear eyes.

Today, I’m asking you to make a choice between two different scenarios.

Scenario One from POLITICO:

“A Walker win in Georgia would allow Republicans to further slow President Joe Biden’s agenda, hamstring Democratic committees, and position them well to flip the chamber, either in 2024 or if there’s a vacancy that prompts a special election before then.”

Scenario Two from POLITICO:

“A Warnock victory would give Democrats a firmer hand on nearly everything in the Senate, from committees to the floor, while improving the party’s defense ahead of a tough map in 2024.”

Right now, this race is too close to call, but your immediate help can tip the balance in our favor. Will you chip in $10 right now to ensure our finance team that we have enough money to get us through the final hours of this race?

 Chip in $10 

If Warnock wins tomorrow, Democrats will have more leverage over the national debate and agenda than they have had in the last two years. Democrats will have the votes to do whatever they want. They’ll have more of their folks on committees that determine how our tax dollars are spent, they’ll have the votes to confirm activist judges, and they’ll even have enough votes to nuke the filibuster.

If Raphael Warnock wins tomorrow, Republicans will be in a much weaker position than they are today.

“There’s probably a bigger difference between 50 and 51 than any other two numbers in this place.” – Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT)

With less than 24 hours until Election Day, I’m pleading with you for your help.

A victory for Team Herschel will allow Republicans to keep Democrats in check; it will allow Republicans to hold Democrats accountable and keep them honest. If this is important to you, I’m asking you to send $10 to my campaign immediately.

Thank you,

Herschel Walker

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