Dear Friends,

I invite you to make an end of year donation to NRCAT to support the work of our members who are Finding Our Voices: Making Change Together.

In 2022, NRCAT released a new 35-minute educational documentary by filmmaker Matthew Gossage entitled Torture in Our Name. The film spotlights the tenacity of solitary survivors and religious leaders whose work in Louisiana, New York, and New Jersey led to the passage of legislation in 2019-2022 to limit the torture of solitary confinement in their states.

The film takes viewers on an inspirational journey with leaders who have found their voices in the movement and won critical policy changes. Since the release of Torture in Our Name, NRCAT has recruited dozens of faith leaders and congregations across the U.S. to host screenings of the film and distribute our faith-based discussion guide.

This is the kind of work your donation to NRCAT today will support!

Your donation moves NRCAT one step closer to our end of year fundraising campaign goal of $30,000. Thanks to a generous challenge match, this month your donation of $25 becomes $50, $50 becomes $100. Please donate today and together, we will make transformative change.

In community,

Laura Markle Downton, M.Div.
Director of Faith and Community Engagement 

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
PO Box 91820
Washington, DC 20090


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