Dear Community Partner:Consumer Action has just released a short video on holiday season scams, featuring presenter Carol Kando-Pineda, counsel for the Division of Consumer and Business Education at t

Dear Community Partner:

Consumer Action has just released a short video on holiday season scams, featuring presenter Carol Kando-Pineda, counsel for the Division of Consumer and Business Education at the Federal Trade Commission.

Check out our 'Tis the season to be scammed video to learn how consumers can stay safe from holiday scams and what steps to take if they fall victim. Please share this message with your client communities.

To view the video, click here. Please also remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel for free using this link.

If you have questions about the video, please send them to [email protected]

Happy holidays from Consumer Action.




Linda Williams
Community Outreach and Training Manager
Consumer Action

Through education and advocacy, nonprofit Consumer Action fights for strong consumer rights and policies that promote fairness and financial prosperity for underrepresented consumers nationwide.

©2022 Consumer Action
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