From VDARE Editors <[email protected]>
Subject BULLETIN: Time to End the Sanctuary Cities Scandal; The Decade of; etc. (64 items)
Date January 8, 2020 7:47 PM
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[ICE Reports: Time to End the Sanctuary Cities Scandal]([link removed]); [Happy New Year! The 2010s Were The Decade Of Trump, But They Were Also The Decade Of The 2020s Will Be Even More So!]([link removed]) etc. (64 items, 1/07/2020)

In the current year (now 2020), [Hollywood is Not Sending Its Best]([link removed]). Ann Coulter starts off our top-five this week with a savage comeback to Law & Order SVU's writer, a "queer, Jewish feminist." [Who's doing the raping?]([link removed]) Immigrants!

Next, in second, Dr. Barton Cockey reports: In Charlottesville, the "coalition of the perpetually aggrieved" are [coming for Lewis & Clark!]([link removed]) "No one ever thought the bronze statue was offensive."

In third, Patrick J. Buchanan asks "[Will War Derail Trump's Reelection?]([link removed])" Since the opposition lineup is, "to put it charitably, not up to the task," it's Trump's election to lose. Can he avoid a total [strategic disaster]([link removed])?

But even if Trump avoids a Middle East misstep, demographic change in the U.S. could still [cost Trump reelection]([link removed]). This election aside, in our fourth most-viewed article, Patrick J. Buchanan warns of "[Our Real Existential Crisis—DEMOGRAPHIC Extinction]([link removed])."

In fifth, Brenda Walkers names the Republican govenors who, unbelievably, [requested additional refugees]([link removed]). Given that [refugee resettlement costs taxpayers $1.8 billion annually]([link removed]), "less is better for everyone." What's best? An [Immigration Moratorium]([link removed]).

Featured Articles

Monday January 06, 2020

Author James Fulford

[The Fulford File | Wikipedia’s “Tainted Sources” On And “White Supremacy”]([link removed])

Sunday January 05, 2020

Author Tom Piatak

[Tom Piatak’s 2019 War on Christmas Report: No Festivities for Fascists!]([link removed])

Saturday January 04, 2020

Author Lance Welton

[The European Eve—Is She A Sardinian Woman?]([link removed])

Friday January 03, 2020

Author Barton Cockey

[More Abolishing America In Charlottesville: This Time It’s Lewis And Clark]([link removed])

Friday January 03, 2020

Author Washington Watcher II

[Will Treason Lobby’s Asian Overclass Importation/ Ag Amnesty Bills Be Slipped Through Senate Next Week?]([link removed])

Thursday January 02, 2020

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

[Patrick J. Buchanan: Our Real Existential Crisis—DEMOGRAPHIC Extinction]([link removed])

Wednesday January 01, 2020

Author Ann Coulter

[Ann Coulter: Hollywood Is Not Sending Its Best]([link removed])

Wednesday January 01, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

[DERB'S DECEMBER DIARY: Out With The Tens, In With The Twenties, Etc. (12 ITEMS!)]([link removed])

Tuesday December 31, 2019

Author James Fulford

[Happy New Year! The 2010s Were The Decade Of Trump, But They Were Also The Decade Of The 2020s Will Be Even More So!]([link removed])

Tuesday December 31, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

[The Book They Don't Want You To Read—Now Available On]([link removed])

Monday December 30, 2019

Author A.W. Morgan

[ICE Reports Confirm: It’s Time To End The Sanctuary Cities Scandal]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER ARTICLES]([link removed])

Blog Posts

Monday January 06, 2020

Author Anonymous Attorney

[Miami Pushes "Disparate Impact" Shakedown Suit Against Big Banks]([link removed])

Monday January 06, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[The Latest Hill Woke Twitter Intends To Die On]([link removed])

Monday January 06, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Oklahoma Is Already Taxing Remittances, Why Can't President Trump?]([link removed])

Monday January 06, 2020

Author Audacious Epigone

[Donald "The Biggest Gift" Trump: He Fights Back, And So Can We]([link removed])

Monday January 06, 2020

Author Eugene Gant

[Was Mark Schlemmer's Killing A MURDER Gone Wrong?]([link removed])

Monday January 06, 2020

Author Federale

[Kritarch Patti Saris Strikes Again, Banning Detention Of Illegals In Removal Proceedings]([link removed])

Monday January 06, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Almost 400K Anchor Babies; Where's That Executive Order?]([link removed])

Monday January 06, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

[His Name Is Mark Schlemmer: White Father of Two "Mistakingly" Gunned Down by Black Male in St. Louis]([link removed])

Monday January 06, 2020

Author James Fulford

[Google's Happy Holidays Doodle Extending Google's War On Christmas To Russia]([link removed])

Sunday January 05, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Hall Monitors At New York Times Warn About The Dire Threat Of... PragerU]([link removed])

Sunday January 05, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Hilaire Belloc In 1936 On The Return Of Islam]([link removed])

Sunday January 05, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

[Is It Because Criminals Are Overwhelming Black? In Atlanta, Police Department Institutes a No-Chase Policy Toward Criminals, Effective Immediately]([link removed])

Saturday January 04, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

[Republican Governors Request Additional Refugees!]([link removed])

Saturday January 04, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

[WALL STREET JOURNAL Warns the Great Replacement (Decline in White Percentage of U.S. Electorate) Could Cost Trump Reelection in 2020]([link removed])

Saturday January 04, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

[In The Name Of Equity, New York Lawmakers Seek To Create A Gentrification Tax AKA Tax On White Property Purchasers)]([link removed])

Saturday January 04, 2020

Author Washington Watcher II

[Another GOP Insurgent Raises Immigration Moratorium Issue: Joshua Foxworth in TX-14]([link removed])

Friday January 03, 2020

Author A.W. Morgan

[Ace Of Spades Doesn't Quite Go There On Michael Brown]([link removed])

Friday January 03, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Matt Yglesias: "One Billion Americans"]([link removed])

Friday January 03, 2020

Author Federale

[Trump DHS's Chad Wolf STUDYING State Driver’s Licenses For Illegal Aliens—Try ACTING Instead!]([link removed])

Friday January 03, 2020

Author Federale

[Federale: On Expedited Removal, Is It A Lying Press, Or A Stupid Press? (We KNOW The Treason Bar Is Lying)]([link removed])

Friday January 03, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Anarcho-Tyranny: Italian Courts Trying To Take Down Salvini]([link removed])

Friday January 03, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Barely Even News: French Muslim Terrorist Screaming 'Allahu Akbar' And Wearing Fake Explosive Stabs 3, Killing 1]([link removed])

Friday January 03, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[A 1986 Scientific Study: "The 'Sissy Boy Syndrome' and the Development of Homosexuality'']([link removed])

Thursday January 02, 2020

Author Audacious Epigone

[The Trump Re-Election Trump Card: People Who ARE Better Off Than They Were Four Years Ago]([link removed])

Thursday January 02, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[WASHINGTON POST: Not Enough White Students, But Too Many White Teachers]([link removed])

Thursday January 02, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[NEW YORK TIMES: Too Many White Students]([link removed])

Wednesday January 01, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Joe Biden Says We Have An English Legal Culture. But Remember—He Said We Need To Scrap It Last March.]([link removed])

Wednesday January 01, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

[Radio Derb Transcript Up For December 27: Federal Spending, Elites Vs. Voters, Anti-Hate Hysteria, And Rewarding Tessa Majors’ Killers, Etc.]([link removed])

Wednesday January 01, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

[Chinese Medical Student Arrested Trying To Smuggle Cancer Research]([link removed])

Wednesday January 01, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

[Trump Deports Illegals Obama Would Have Welcomed]([link removed])

Wednesday January 01, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

[DACA Deportations Gear Up with Predictable Media "Sob Story" Response]([link removed])

Wednesday January 01, 2020

Author Linda Thom

[Texas Nurse Killed By New Year's Eve "Celebratory Gunfire"—Don't Blame The NRA!]([link removed])

Wednesday January 01, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[The Decade's Most Unexpected Headline: “Efforts To Close Student Achievement Gaps Ineffective”]([link removed])

Wednesday January 01, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

[Starting In 2020 Public Schools Across California Will No Longer Suspend Students For Disobeying Teachers, Because Too Many Students Of Color (Non-Whites) Get Suspended]([link removed])

Tuesday December 31, 2019

Author James Fulford

[86 Dead: Immigrant Mass Murderers Brought Down Two Separate Planes In Forgotten Incidents]([link removed])

Tuesday December 31, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Tom Homan Predicts The Border Will "Collapse" If Democrats Win In 2020]([link removed])

Tuesday December 31, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Africa Is Not Like NYT Subscribers Assume]([link removed])

Monday December 30, 2019

Author Paul Kersey

[2019: 70% Black Baltimore Homicide Rate—57 Per 100,000; 1921: 85% White Baltimore Homicide Rate—11 Per 100,000...]([link removed])

Monday December 30, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[2020 Will be Lit: Now, Even the Cops Are Getting Into Perpetrating Hate Hoaxes]([link removed])

Monday December 30, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Jared Diamond Of GUNS, GERMS, AND STEEL Respectability Anticipated Henry Harpending's "Ashkenazi Intelligence" Theory In 1994 In NATURE]([link removed])

Monday December 30, 2019

Author James Fulford

[Hanukkah Stabber Reportedly Son Of Amnestied Guyanese Illegals, Cuccinelli Tweets And Deletes]([link removed])

Monday December 30, 2019

Author James Fulford

[White Parishioner In White Settlement, TX Kills White Gunman In Hoodie With One Shot]([link removed])

Monday December 30, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Memoryholed: Bret Stephens's IQ Article]([link removed])

Monday December 30, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

[Automation: Retail Robots Are Coming at Every Level]([link removed])

Monday December 30, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

[Germans Flee Diversity To Live In Monocultural Hungary]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER POSTS]([link removed])


Sunday January 05, 2020

Author Reader

[A West Texas Reader Finds A Non-Diverse Beauty Competition: Miss Rodeo America]([link removed])

Saturday January 04, 2020

Author Reader

[An Australian Reader Challenges The Premises Of Down-Under SJWs Who Think Their White Countrymen Prejudiced]([link removed])

Thursday January 02, 2020

Author Reader

[A Patriot Attorney Wonders If Josh Hawley Is Taking His Advice On Dismissing Impeachment]([link removed])

Thursday January 02, 2020

Author Reader

[A Talk Radio Listener Comments On Joe Biden's Telling Coal Miners To Learn To Code]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER LETTERS]([link removed])

Radio Derb

Saturday January 04, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

[Trump Hits Iranian, De Blasio Empties Jails, And NYT Won’t Say Who’s Attacking NY Jews, Etc.]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER RADIOS]([link removed])

Syndicated Columns

Monday January 06, 2020

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

[Patrick J. Buchanan: If Baghdad Wants Us Out, Let's Go!]([link removed])

Tuesday December 31, 2019

Author Michelle Malkin

[Michelle Malkin: 20 Years—A Syndication Anniversary Reflection]([link removed])

Monday December 30, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

[Patrick J. Buchanan: Will War Derail Trump's Reelection?]([link removed])


Author James Kirkpatrick

[Conservatism Inc.: The Battle for the American Right]([link removed])

Author Lawrence Auster

[Our Borders, Ourselves: America in the Age of Multiculturalism]([link removed])

Author Michelle Malkin

[Open Borders Inc.]([link removed])

Author Peter Brimelow

[Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster]([link removed])

Author Samuel Huntington

[Who Are We?: The Challenges to America's National Identity]([link removed])

Author Byron M. Roth

[The Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER BOOKS]([link removed])

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